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Title III Office

Title III: Strengthening Grants ProgramThe Office of Title III provides assistance to strengthen Alabama A&M University in the areas of academics, student support services, information technology, fiscal administrative management, and facilities. The Title III Office is committed to assisting the University with promoting excellence in student learning, faculty and staff development, and ensuring adequate educational learning environments through administering grant funds provided by the Department of Education.

Who We Are

Title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Program, authorizes a program of special assistance to strengthen the quality of developing institutions which have the desire and potential to make a substantial contribution to the higher education resources of the nation, but are struggling for survival and are isolated from the main currents of  academic life.  Amendments to the Act have altered some elements of the program, but it remains as written — an instrument to provide assistance to institutions demonstrating a constructive effort to strengthen themselves.

Alabama A&M University has three programs funded under Title III Strengthening Grants Program: (1) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Part B, (2) Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI), and (3) HBCU Part F or F.U.T.U.R.E. Act (Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education). Each program has funded project activities designed to help meet various University Strategic Goals.

HBCU-b Activities

  • Activity #1 - Optimizing Information Technology Service (OITS) to Improve student Success

    Activity Director: Dr. Kylie Nash
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-7143

    Activity Abstract: This activity represents a university-wide IT initiative focused on advancing information technology services to improve student success (enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates) by delivering robust, reliable, secure, and dependable IT tools and services that are operationally eminent.

    Goals for this activity are to:

    1. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Enterprise Systems (administrative and academic), business intelligence tools, and student self-service capabilities to automate business processes and enable data drive decision making
    2. Strengthen the IT infrastructure and communication services to adequately support student learning initiatives (traditional and online), and implement technologies to create a safe teaching and learning environment at the university.
    3. Ensure learning spaces (classrooms, student labs, and faculty training facilities) are fitted with consistent technology appropriate for the learning environment, virtual spaces meet the needs of instructors and learners, the university learning management system meets the needs of online degree programs, and adequate support and training is provided to ensure learner needs are met.
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  • Activity #2 - Enhancing Student Engagement, Retention, and Persistence

    Activity Director: Dr. Rosetta Howard
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-8231

    Activity Abstract: The Enhancing Student Engagement, Retention, and Persistence activity is designed to assist the academic, social and personal well-being of students and exists to engage students in reaching their academic goals. The Freshman Academy, the Academic Recovery Program staff, the Tutorial Assistant Network (TAN), and Student Success and Engagement Initiatives (Data Research Analyst) will assist students in overcoming academic deficiencies and life difficulties shown to impair their chances of succeeding in college by providing collaborative, wrap-around services to help them develop the necessary skills, habits and knowledge to be academically successful. The goals for the Enhancing Student Success and Engagement activity are to increase retention, persistence and ultimately graduation rates by enriching the academic progression of academically at-risk students at Alabama A&M University.

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  • Activity #3 - Revitalization Facilities Physical Infrastructure

    Activity Director: Mr. Brian Shipp
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4276

    Activity Abstract: AAMU is a leading research institution with world class programs. The continued success of these programs is greatly dependent upon the existence of well maintained, state-of-the-art research and laboratory facilities as well as being able to provide a safe environment for students by being compliant with federal and state safety regulations. AAMU has strategically developed a plan through the Revitalization of Facilities Physical Infrastructure which proposes to: (1) enhance the University's physical resources and space utilization through renovations, maintenance and improvements in academic and living and learning facilities, classrooms, libraries, laboratories or other instructional facilities and (2) increase safety/life through upgrades of fire safety codes, fire alarm systems and the like in academic facilities. Finally, the activities above all serve to build academic quality, Institutional management, student support services and administrative management.

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HBGI Activities

  • Activity #1 - Strengthening Information Technology/Distance Learning Support

    Activity Director: Dr. Kylie Nash
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number:

    Activity Abstract: This activity is directed toward strengthening campus-wide information technology (IT) and distance learning programs. By providing state-of-the art technology and applications, we will enhance student learning and outcomes. This coordinated effort in distance learning will work in conjunction with the existing campus network while helping to strengthen the IT network.

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  • Activity #2 - Strengthening Food Science Graduate Program

    Activity Director: Dr. Martha Verghese
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4175

    Activity Abstract: The overall objective of this activity is to increase the number of African American Ph.D. and M.S. graduates in Food Science. It also focuses on enhancing the curriculum, and improving, renovating and equipping our laboratories for graduate research.

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  • Activity #3 - Strengthening Bio-Environmental Science Graduate Programs

    Activity Director: Dr. Wubishet Tadesse
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4252

    Activity Abstract: The purpose of this activity is to increase the number of under-represented African Americans with graduate training in bio-environmental sciences. Also, the activity helps to support tasks that enhance the curriculum and faculty expertise, as well as, equipment and facilities that improve the program’s posture in doctoral level program offerings.

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  • Activity #4 - Strengthening Contributions from Corporate, Governmental, and Philanthropic Entities

    Activity Director: Mr. Jamal Ali
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-1280

    Activity Abstract: The purpose of this activity is to identify and establish partnerships and relationships with governmental and private corporate industries. Securing executives – on loan, student internships, scholarships, summer faculty assignments and equipment are some of the benefits realized from the current partnerships.

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  • Activity #5 - Strengthening Fiscal Stability and Administrative Management

    Activity Director: Mr. Carlton Spellman
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-5221

    Activity Abstract: The objective of this activity is to improve internal controls of the fiscal and administrative operations of the University; to develop and implement a fiscal/financial plan for the University and to improve and enhance the fiscal accountability of the University in managing and controlling it's various funds, revenues and expenditures so that the University is responsive to its constituents and to the State.

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  • Activity #6 - Strengthening STEM Graduate Studies

    Activity Director: Dr. Zhengtao Deng
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-5560

    Activity Abstract: This activity seeks to increase the number of STEM graduate students at the Masters level. Currently the university offers a Masters of Engineering degree in Systems and Materiel Engineering, and a Master’s in Biology, as well as Computer Science, Physics and Plant and Soil Science. By establishing this activity the university will be competitive with other regional universities in attracting talented African American students into graduate programs internally and externally.

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  • Activity #7 - Strengthening Teacher Education Graduate Studies

    Activity Director: Dr. Samantha Strachan
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4087

    Activity Abstract: The objective of this activity is to increase the number of African Americans in graduate level education programs. These programs are in various areas including traditional early childhood, elementary education, reading and special education; vocational and career technical programs; and programs in secondary certification programs.

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  • Activity #8 - Graduate Student Writing Lab and Fellowship Program

    Activity Director: Dr. Tau Kadhi
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-8752

    Activity Abstract: The purpose of the activity will be to offer a writing lab and fellowship program to qualified graduate students enrolled in degree programs at Alabama A&M University (AAMU). The purpose of the writing lab and fellowships are to increase the number of socially and economically disadvantaged Americans earning a degree in graduate programs offered by AAMU in such fields as agriculture, behavioral sciences, business, education, engineering, life, natural and physical sciences, public affairs, and technology by supporting them through a graduate writing lab and a program of financial assistance.

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  • Activity #9 - Strengthening Physical Facilities

    Activity Director: Mr. Brian Shipp
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4276

    Activity Abstract: This activity aims to enhance the University’s structural, mechanical, electrical, and appearance of facilities through renovations, equipment, maintenance and improvements. This will be accomplished by addressing ADA, life, fire and physical safety of students, faculty and staff, through upgrades of classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and research facilities.

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HBCU-F  Activities

  • Activity #1: Strengthening STEM Facilities

    Activity Director: Mr. Brian Shipp
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4276

    Activity Abstract: This activity’s goal is to address the multiple needs of STEM-related laboratories and class space throughout the campus. Updating these areas with physical, technical and life-safety apparatus and building components is a must for the education of today’s students.  This will enhance our STEM capabilities/resources for both faculty and students.  The aim of this activity aligns with the priority of the University to upgrade its infrastructure and facilities related to STEM disciplines.  The activity’s goal is to continue to modernize campus facilities and infrastructure to create an environment that is accessible and inviting to students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the greater community, as well as to provide up-to-date facilities and infrastructure to enhance academic, co-curricular, extracurricular programs, and university operations in the area of STEM.

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  • Activity #2: Enhancing the Freshman and Sophomore Year Experience for STEM Majors

    Activity Director: Dr. Tyeshea Farmer
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-4916

    Activity Abstract: The overall goal for this activity is to increase the overall retention rate at Alabama A&M University, specifically in the STEM disciplines. In addition, the goal includes being compliant with the SACSCOC Student Outcomes for General Education for our 10th year Reaffirmation in 2024.  The University is committed to advancing the strategic priorities, specifically, to meet the changing educational needs of students in STEM majors by creating strategic academic and student support service investments for student success.  As a result of the University’s dedication to providing a student-centered educational environment, the purpose of this activity is to enhance student educational and support services at Alabama A&M University to better serve the students. Ultimately, the enhancement of student educational and support services will assist in the university’s capacity in preparing students for careers in STEM. Aligned with the university’s mission to prepare students for careers in STEM, this activity will provide advising that includes academic and career develop, facilitate initiatives to increase student pass rates in STEM general education courses, as well as promote active teaching and learning strategies in faculty instruction.

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  • Activity #3: Expanding eLearning in STEM

    Activity Director: Dr. Rhonda Moore-Jackson
    Email Address:
    Telephone Number: 256-372-8673

    Activity Abstract: As research has shown, e-Learning provides a pathway to educational access and opportunity. As the institution seeks to increase interest in and completion of academic programs in STEM majors, by underrepresented populations; providing flexible learning opportunities will be critically important toward achieving that goal.  This activity seeks to expand e-Learning in STEM courses, minors, concentrations, and majors to promote access and opportunity for students pursuing academic programs and ultimately careers in STEM areas.  This activity directly aligns with the university’s strategic plan, via Priority 1: Enhance AAMU’s Distinctiveness and Competitiveness and Priority 6: Enhance University Engagement through Expanded Outreach. STEM faculty will participate in a professional learning community focused on e-learning from course design and development to best practices in web-based pedagogy and will be provided support and guidance in the development, design and delivery of e-learning courses in STEM disciplines.

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Contact Us

Title III Office
Phone: 256-372-5550
Fax: 256-372-5549
Patton Hall, Room 215
Dr. Torin Malone
Interim Director
Ursula Brooks
Senior Budget Analyst
Tachingna Wilson
Grants Specialist

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