Thank You Notes
Thanking an employer you met at a career fair, a professional that you met at a networking event, or someone who has provided professional advice, is a great way to show your appreciation of their time. It also shows that you have great follow-through. Timing is key. The note should be written within 24 hours of the conversation.
Sending your thank you note via email allows for an immediate turnaround; send it the same day! Handwritten notes are more personal, and work well for those who provided hands-on assistance (mock interview, job shadowing).
If you send the note via email, the subject line should reflect the meeting.
Examples include:
- Subject: AAMU Career Fair Follow-up
- Subject: Info Session at AAMU
- Subject: Thank You!
- Subject: Following up, per Y. Clayton
Writing a Thank-You Letter: Career Fair
- Opening paragraph: Thank the individual for making the time to talk with you at the AAMU Career Fair on date.
- Be Memorable: Because recruiters talk to hundreds of students, mention something that you discussed to reiterate your interest and help the recruiter remember who you are.
- Second paragraph: Restate why you believe that your qualifications (skills, experiences, interests) fit well with the organization.
- Second or third paragraph: If you have significant experience or skills that you did not mention at the career fair, seize the opportunity to share them. Also, if the recruiter asked a question that you weren't able to answer at the career fair, now is the time to do so. Avoid apologizing for not having the information, as it will remind the employer of something that they might have forgotten.
- Closing paragraph: Close strong by expressing your interest and your appreciation
for the employer’s time and consideration. If the recruiter gave you instructions
for next steps, state that you have done it, or will be taking that action. If no
further action was discussed, share that you would like to stay in touch and offer
your contact information.
Writing a Thank-You Letter: Other Events
- Opening paragraph: Thank the individual for making the time to talk with you at the event on date.
- Be Memorable: Reiterate something you discussed to help the professional remember your conversation or to affirm that you were listening.
- Second paragraph: Share what you gained from the conversation, meeting or experience.
- Closing paragraph: Express your appreciation for the employer’s time. If the professional gave you instructions
for next steps, state that you have done it, or will be taking that action. If no
further action was discussed, share that you would like to stay in touch and offer
your contact information.
Thank You Notes Resources
- Sample Thank You Note (Handwritten)
- Sample Thank You Note 1
- Sample Thank You Note 2
- Sample Thank You Note 3
- Sample Thank You Note 4
- Sample Thank You Note 5