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Common Travel Reimbursement Rates

In-State Travel

Meals & Incidentals

Trip Duration Reimbursement Rate Reimbursement Rate Effective Date Documentation Requirements
Less than 6 hours $0.00 07/01/2018 Event agenda/itinerary and meal list (for groups)
6 - 12 hours $12.75 07/01/2018
Greater than 12 hours (not overnight) $34.00 07/01/2018

Meals, Incidentals, and Lodging

Trip Duration Reimbursement Rate Reimbursement Rate Effective Date Documentation Requirements
Overnight (one night) $85.00 per day 07/01/2018 Meals - Event agenda/itinerary and meal list (for groups)
Lodging - Receipt for duration of stay
Overnight (two or more nights) $100.00 per day 07/01/2018
Greater than two consecutive months (up to one year) $75.00 per day 07/01/2018

Other Common Reimbursement Items

Travel Expense Reimbursement Rate Reimbursement Rate Effective Date Documentation Requirements
Mileage Use of personal vehicle during business travel $0.56 per mile 01/01/2021 MapQuest or Google Maps print out showing the mileage from the work base to the destination
Rental Vehicle Vehicle rental from pre-approved rental agency as established by the Purchasing Office Actual Cost
(see policy for details)
08/01/2013 Vehicle rental agreement and receipt
Tips Tips paid to servers, baggage handlers, taxi drivers, hotel staff, etc. Included in Per Diem 07/01/2018 N/A
Baggage Fees Baggage fees paid in conjunction with air, bus, or train transportation Actual cost for one bag
(see policy for details)
08/01/2013 Transportation receipt

Out-of-State Travel

Meals & Incidentals

Trip Duration Reimbursement Rate Reimbursement Rate Effective Date Documentation Requirements
All trip durations Based on GSA rates 10/01/2017 Event agenda/itinerary and meal list (for groups)


Trip Duration Reimbursement Rate Reimbursement Rate Effective Date Documentation Requirements
All trip durations Actual cost 07/01/2018 Receipt for duration of stay

Other Common Reimbursement Items

Travel Expense Reimbursement Rate Reimbursement Rate Effective Date Documentation Requirements
Mileage Use of personal vehicle during business travel $0.545 per mile 01/01/2018 MapQuest or Google Maps print out showing the mileage from the work base to the destination
Rental Vehicle Vehicle rental from pre-approved rental agency as established by the Purchasing Office Actual Cost
(see policy for details)
08/01/2013 Vehicle rental agreement and receipt
Tips Tips paid to servers, baggage handlers, taxi drivers, hotel staff, etc. Included in Per Diem 07/01/2018 N/A
Baggage Fees Baggage fees paid in conjunction with air, bus, or train transportation Actual cost for one bag
(see policy for details)
08/01/2013 Transportation receipt