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McIntire-Stennis Program

Alabama A&M University (AAMU) has participated in the McIntire-Stennis Forestry Research Program since 2009.  Our research includes detecting rare and endangered wildlife species, silvicultural strategies for restoring mixed pine-hardwood forest and native grasses, ecological patterns of forest dynamics, effects of forest management on aquatic and terrestrial bioindicators, improved forest operations, and minority participation in outdoor recreation.


Our University is one of the largest producers of African American scientists and has the only SAF accredited traditional forestry program at a Historically Black College or University.


In the short time that AAMU has been building forestry research capacity with McIntire-Stennis (M-S) funding, eleven graduate students have completed the M.S. degree. Three have completed the Ph.D. degree primarily funded by McIntire-Stennis funds. Currently, eight graduate students are supported by McIntire-Stennis sponsored research. Additionally, the P.I.s have published 25 M-S manuscripts and presented over 60 research presentations at scientific conferences and public meetings.


The impact of this fledgling program includes building research capacity in forest ecosystem research at the University, training graduate students in forestry and related ecological investigations, building the graduate student academic training program, enhancing faculty research and program development, as well as the discovery of new information and technologies for improved forest management.

Beyond the AAMU campus, we have played a leadership role in the participation of the 1890’s universities in promoting common research themes in agroforestry, outdoor recreation, and evaluating forest ecosystem services.

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