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Did You Know . . .

  • That classification is based on credit hours earned and not attempted. You may have taken 36 credit hours which is sophomore classification, but if you only passed (earned) 28 credit hours, you are a freshman.
  • If your major is in one college but your minor or concentration is offered through another college, you should have an advisor for each area.
  • You must declare a major by 60ch earned.
  • Just as you are bound by the UG Bulletin years that you are following, your advisor must also follow the Academic Policy & Procedure Manual of the same years as your UG Bulletin.
  • Transient student courses cannot be used for a better grade in the same course.
  • International students (F-1 visa) have different advising criteria from U.S. citizen students.
  • There is a Resources for Students page on the AAMU website that contains many of the academic forms and information that a student at AAMU needs.


How do i . . .

  • Know who my advisor(s) are in my college when I leave Freshman Academy

    Once you achieve sophomore status (31ch earned), you will be assigned a college advisor in the college of your major.  The sophomore college advisors (bolded names are the lead advisor for that college) are --

    College of Agriculture, Life and Natural Sciences
    Abdelrahim, Dr. Gamal, X4164,
    Hampton, Ms. Tia, X4901, 204 Carter Hall,
    Hogans, Dr. Kristian, X5960, 205-A Carver Complex, Hobson Wing,
    Homes, Dr. Khalid, X4251, 309 Carter Hall,
    Moss, Dr. Elica, X8219, 212 Carver Complex, Thomas Wing,
    Naka, Dr. Kozma, X4235, 143 Agricultural Research Center,
    Sripathi, Dr. Venkateswara, X4242, Agricultural Research Center,

    College of Business and Public Affairs
    Banks, Dr. Bonnie, X4873, 202-A Collge of Business & Public Affairs,
    Caldemeyer, Dr. Dana, X4812, 302-C College of Business & Public Affairs,
    Krakrafaab-Bestman, Dr. Doris, X7106, 301-F College of Business & Public Affairs,
    Richter, Dr. Jack, X4414, 302-B College of Business & Public Affairs,
    Shen, Dr. Qian, X4885, 215-A College of Buisness & Public Affairs,
    Thakkar, Dr. Nachiket, X4787, 213-B College of Business & Public Affairs,
    Zhang, Dr. Xia,

    College of Education, Humanities and Behavioral Sciences
    Bass, Dalila, Lawson State CC Campus,
    Black, Dr. Douglas, X4701, 208 Morrison Bldg,
    Boyd, Dr. Myon, X4703, 8-B Elmore Gym,
    Durm, Dr. Takisha, X5536, 207 Carver Complex North,
    Gholston, Dr. Tracy, X5387, 205 McCalep/McIntosh Hall,
    Horton, Ms. Dalaina, X4124, 104 Carver Complex North,
    McElroy, Dr. Shannon, X7131, 103 Buchanan Hall,
    Parham, Dr. Adrienne, X8234, 216-D Carver Complex North,
    Robinson, Dr. Semaj, X8472, 113-A Morrison Bldg,

    College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences
    Drabo, Dr. Mebougna, X4136, 314 Engineering & Technology Building,
    Edwards, Dr. Vernessa, X8107, 029 V. M. Chambers Bldg,
    Fu, Dr. Yujian, X8461, 333 Engineering & Technology Building,
    Pham, Dr. Andrew, X4450, 214 Carter Hall, 214 Carter Hall,
    Preetha, Dr. Pooja, X4148, 328 Engineering & Technology Building,
    Stewart, Dr. Gernerique, X5928, 411-B Carter Hall,
    Yaqub, Dr. Raziq, X4118, 207 Engineering & Technology Building,

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  • Know what my classification as a student is

    Persons other than special students are grouped in four classes according to total credits earned in semester hours as indicated below:
         Freshmen -- 0 to 30ch earned
         Sophomores -- 31 to 63ch earned
         Juniors -- 64 to 94ch earned
         Seniors -- 95 or more credit hours earned
    Note - The key word above is earned. A student may have taken (attempted) 36 credit hours, but only passed (earned) 29 credit hours. Therefore, they are still a freshman.

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  • Calculate my GPAs manually
  • Change my major

    Students who wish to change/declare their majors, concentrations or minors must complete an undergraduate Major/Minor/Concentration Declaration and Change Form. The form must be signed by the department chairperson and the advisor of the college major in which the student is currently enrolled. After action has been taken by this department chairperson and/or advisor, the application is sent to the department chairperson and advisor of the college in which the student desires to enroll. Once the gaining department chairperson and advisor have responded, the application will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for appropriate action. All course work taken will remain on the transcript and will be computed in the cumulative grade point average.

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  • Change the UG Bulletin years that I am following

    Students may move forward to a more recent Bulletin by submitting an UG Bulletin/GR Catalog Acknowledgement Form with the permission of their advisor and chair. Students must comply with all requirements, both general education and major field of study, in the Bulletin being followed. Only one bulletin must be adhered to; two or more cannot be used together.

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  • Apply for course overload

    The maximum student load is 19 credit hours per regular semester. Under normal circumstances, a student may not register for more than 19 credit hours for any semester. Students who desire to register for more than 19 credit hours should submit a completed  Overload Request Form signed by appropriate personnel and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval. Permission for an overload is restricted to students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above or a GPA during the previous two semesters of 3.0 or higher.

    The maximum load for the summer session is 10 credit hours. With permission from the Office of Academic Affairs, two additional credit hours may be allowed providing the student will be eligible for graduation the same semester by virtue of the additional hours. Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to earn more than 12 credit hours during a summer session. A student can take courses during the mini-term that some universities offer before and/or after the regular summer session.

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  • Take a class as a transient student

    AAMU students who desire credits taken at other collegiate institutions to be applied toward their degrees at AAMU must receive approval before enrolling at the other institution. Criteria for approval include current enrollment at AAMU and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. The completed Transient Student Form must be signed by the student’s advisor and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Students who receive such approval must submit official transcripts documenting the work as soon as it is completed, whether they still desire credit for the work or not. The official transcript must be sent by the institution attended. The total number of hours taken at another institution or the sum of credits taken at AAMU and another institution during the same term cannot exceed the maximum allowed during the same enrollment term at AAMU: 19 credit hours for fall and spring semesters; 10 SCHs for an eight or nine-week summer session. Policies regulating grades for transient students are the same as those for other transfer credits.

    Summation (not all inclusive)

    • Submit form and get approval from Registrar’s Office prior to first day of registration at attending institution.
    • It is the responsibility of the student to submit the completed form through Laserfiche with the uploaded course description of the course to be taken at the transient institution before attending the transient school.
    • On probation, suspension, or GPA < 2.0 = Transient Student Form not approved by AAMU.
    • Students within their final 30 credit hours of completion must also obtain approval from the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
    • Total credit hours taken at all institutions cannot exceed max allowed at AAMU for given term.
    • Make sure credit hours are comparable (quarter vs. semester). Shortage must be made up.
    • Must earn a grade that is acceptable to student’s AAMU program to transfer credits back to AAMU.
    • Grade not calculated in AAMU GPA.
    • Only credit hours are applied towards AAMU program completion if transient course is accepted by AAMU.
    • Course substitution must be done after class is completed.
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  • Take a class as visiting student

    Conditions (not all inclusive) governing the granting of permission to be a visiting student include the following:

    • The student must be enrolled full-time during the time he/she is participating in the Visiting Student Program.
    • His/her total load must not exceed the established maximum number of hours established at the home school.
    • The student must have an overall GPA of “C” (2.0) or better.
    • The course must be unavailable at the student’s home institution during that term.
    • Visiting students are not permitted to enroll in web-based (online) courses.
    • The student’s request must be approved by his/her advisor and other appropriate personnel.
    • Visiting students are limited to one course per semester unless the second is a required lab.
    • Permission of appropriate personnel at the visiting institution is required and will be dependent upon availability of space for the visitor after the school’s own students are accommodated.
    • The student must meet all prerequisites of the host institution.
    • Enrollment must be completed prior to the initial meeting of the class at the visiting institution. Forms should be returned to the Registrar’s Office no later than the first day of registration at the host institution.
    • Grades earned as a visiting student are calculated into the GPA at the home institution (AAMU).
    • Courses taken under the Visiting Student Program can be counted in the GPA as a repeated course.

    If you choose to drop this course or decide not to attend, you must process a Drop Form through AAMU in the Registrar’s Office. If you do not officially drop the course, you will be billed for the course along with receive a grade of ‘F’ for the course which will be calculated in your GPA. The course should be dropped in-office – do not drop online.

    In order to participate in this program, students must complete the Visiting Student Form.

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  • Get a course substituted

    The following procedures and standards apply to requests for course substitutions to meet requirements for graduation:

    • Courses recommended for substitution credit must be comparable to those listed in the AAMU Bulletin in terms of content and competency requirements as indicated by course descriptions.
    • Requirements of the general education program must be strictly observed.
    • Lower-level (100-200) courses cannot be substituted for upper-level courses (300-400) without approval based on content from the chair of the department that houses the course.
    • Upper-level (300 and 400 level) college courses from two-year colleges will not be accepted for credit towards upper-level degree requirements at AAMU.
    • Technical subject course requirements cannot be substituted for general education requirements (i.e., electronics for physical science, Voice for Music Appreciation).
    • Courses designated as fulfilling core curriculum requirements in one category cannot be substituted with courses from another category (i.e., speech for history; math for art, philosophy for social science, etc.)
    • Course substitutions for graduating seniors should be completed by April 1st for May graduates; July 1st for July graduates; and November 1st for December graduates.
    • The student’s past academic program shall be evaluated, his/her new or continuing program shall be planned, and recommendations for substitutions as deemed appropriate shall be made during the student’s first semester in the degree-granting program.
    • Recommendations for substitutions must be signed and dated by authorized departmental personnel and then forwarded to the Office of the Registrar.

    All requests for substitutions must be included on one of the following forms: Admission/Transfer/Substitution Credits; Departmental Transfer Credits Substitution Form.

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  • Handle incomplete grades

    An “I” grade is intended to be only an interim course mark. It is to be used only if a student has satisfactorily (hereby defined as a C average or better) completed at least 75% of the course requirements, and there is an excusable and acceptable reason for his/her not having completed all requirements prior to grade reporting time. With the awarding of the “I,” the instructor must include information (on the Removal of “I” Form) as to the specific requirements for changing the “I” to a permanent grade.  Requests for removal of incompletes must be made by the instructor of record directly to the Office of the Registrar.

    Students may obtain credit for courses in which their marks are “Incomplete” only by completing the work for the course in a satisfactory manner. The incomplete grade must be removed within one year of the end of the term when the “I” was awarded. If this is not done, the grade in the course automatically and permanently becomes a failure (“F”). The grade of “I” - Incomplete - shall be neutral in the calculation of the grade point average. A student does not have to be enrolled to remove the “I” grade.

    An “Incomplete” must be changed to a permanent grade by the instructor of record within the time limit specified by submitting the proper INCOMPLETE GRADE REPORT FORM to the Registrar’s Office. Delinquent Incomplete Grade Report Forms will not be requested or processed without the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

    A student does not need to re-register for a course in order to remove an “I” grade.

    SPECIAL NOTE: All incompletes for graduating seniors must be removed by October 1 for December graduates, April 1 for May graduates, and June 15 for summer completion.

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  • Handle Holds on my account
  • Separate emergently for military purposes

    When a student or spouse of the student is called to active military service during an academic term, he or she may choose one of the following three options listed below. The student is responsible for notifying his/her instructors of the option they choose.

    1. The student may request retroactive withdrawal to the beginning of the semester, with a full refund of tuition and fees.
    2. If at least 75 percent of the graded work has been completed, the student may request that the faculty member assign a grade for the course based on the work completed. The final decision about grading is left to the faculty member.
    3. If the faculty member assigns a grade of “I,” the student must complete course requirements within one year after the student returns to campus.

    Room and board will be refunded in accordance with the current University refund policy. All students who receive Title IV funds will be processed according to federal policies. Federal policy statements are available in the Office of Student Financial Aid.

    The student must submit a Student Withdrawal Clearance Form.

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  • Make sure my classes are safe to complete if my program ends

    Submission by the advisor of a completed Individual Student Teach-out Plant (ISToP) Form is required for each student affected. It must be reviewed and signed by the student, their advisor, the Chair, and the Dean of their college. It is then sent to Academic Affairs and from there it is sent to the Registrar’s Office to become a permanent part of the student’s file. A copy is also required to be submitted to SACSCOC. If an undergraduate student’s matriculation is interrupted for more than two years, the student must use the current Bulletin in effect at the time of re-entry. This means the eliminated program they are currently enrolled in will no longer be available.

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  • Submit an Override

    Override Forms for --

    --Classification Request
    --Corequisite Request
    --Department Request
    --Duplicate Course Request
    --Field Experience Request
    --Field of Study Request
    --Instructor Request
    --Level Restriction Request
    --Prerequisite Request
    --Teacher Service Center Request
    --Time Request

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  • Adhere to the advising criteria needed to maintain F-1 visa status
    1. Student must enroll in a full course of study at the institution where the I-20 was issued. A full course of study is 12ch per fall and spring semester.
    2. Only one online course can be counted towards fulfilling the 12ch per semester full course of study for each semester.
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  • Submit a Junior Audit

    Junior Audits are academic assessments prepared by students and their academic advisors. The purpose of the Junior Audit is to alert undergraduate students of the courses and any other academic requirements needed for graduation. Junior Audits are to be started in the second semester of a student’s sophomore year.

    The student should fill out as much as possible the Junior Audit Form (JAF) and this sheet along with their DegreeWorks (DGW) curriculum sheet should be submitted to the advisor where a scheduled sit-down appointment is held to review the paperwork and go over any deficiencies. The JAF must be signed by both the student and the advisor.

    The complete Junior Audit Packet (signed JAF, DGW, and any Transient, Visiting, Course Substitution Forms) then becomes part of advisor's student folder for forwarding to the department advisor.

    The Junior Audit Packet will eventually become the Senior Record Check.

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