Bulldog Pride
The Bulldog Pride Committee (BPC) is a campus organization that welcomes administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni, community supporters, and other university enthusiasts with a desire to contribute through volunteer-based programs and projects.
Our goal with the BPC is to encourage pride in the university through a series of initiatives that include cleanup efforts, campus beautification, enhanced customer service, promotion of character development, and wearing AAMU paraphernalia as a show of pride in the university’s legacy and future growth.
We encourage you to explore our initiatives, accomplishments, and community involvement. We’d love to have you and look forward to seeing you soon.
Volunteer now to become a part of this prestigious organization

Take Pride.
About Us
Instilling Normalite pride.
Current & Past Projects
10 Points of Pride
Bulldog Pride is generational.
Committee Members
Project chairpersons and other members of the committee.
Contact Us