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Offered Programs

Alabama A&M University's program offerings are listed below in alphabetical order.

NOTE:  The detailed list represents a "snapshot" and is subject to change without notice.
Please pay attention to the revision date.

* = offered Online  
1 = offered at Lawson State CC
2 = offered online provided concentration is MGT

Program Degree Position
Accounting (52.0301) B.S. UG
Animal Bio-Health Sciences   (01.0999) B.S. UG
Biology   (26.0101) B.S. UG
Biology   (26.0101) M.S. GR, Thesis
Biology   (26.0101) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Bulldog Life Certificate UG-level Non-academic
Business Administration   (52.0201) B.S. UG
Business Administration*   (52.0201) M.B.A. GR, Non-thesis
Chemistry)   (40.0501) B.S. UG
Civil Engineering   (14.0801) B.S.C.E. UG
Communications Media   (10.0202) B.A. UG
Communicative Sci & Disorders   (13.1012) B.S. UG
Communicative Sci & Disorders   (51.0203) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Computer Science1   (11.0101) B.S. UG
Computer Science*   (11.0101) M.S. GR, Thesis
Computer Science*   (11.0101) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Construction Management   (15.1001) B.S. UG
Counseling   (42.2803) M.S. GR, Thesis
Counseling   (42.2803) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Criminal Justice   (43.0103) B.S. UG
Curriculum and Instruction   (13.0301) Ph.D. GR
Cybersecurity Specialist & Expert   (11.0101) Certificate UG-level
Education, Early Childhood P-3   (13.1210) B.S. UG, Class B
Education, Early Childhood P-3*
(online only)   (13.1210)
M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis, Class A
Education, Early Childhood P-3* (online only)   (13.1210) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis, Alt Class A
Education, Elementary   (13.1202) B.S. UG, Class B
Education, Elementary*   (13.1202) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Class A
Education, Elementary   (13.1202) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Alt Class A
Education, General   (13.0101) Ed.S. GR, Non-thesis
Class AA
Education, Instructional Leadership* (online only)  (13.0401) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Class A
Education, Physical P-12   (13.1314) B.S. UG, Class B
Education, Secondary   (13.1205) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Class A
Education, Secondary   (13.1205) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Alt Class A
Education, Special   (13.1001) B.S. UG, Class B
Education, Special   (13.1001) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Class A
Education, Special   (13.1001) M.Ed. GR, Non-thesis
Alt Class A
Electrical Engineering   (14.1001) B.S.E.E. UG
Electrical Engineering   (14.1001) M.S.E.E. GR, Thesis
Electrical Engineering   (14.1001) M.S.E.E. GR, Non-thesis
English   (23.0101) B.A. UG
Entrepreneurship   (52.0701) B.S. UG
Environmental Science   (01.9999) B.S. UG
Family & Consumer Sciences   (19.0101) B.S. UG
Family & Consumer Sciences  (19.0101) M.S. GR, Thesis
Family & Consumer Sciences   (19.0101)

M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Finance   (52.0801) B.S. UG
Food Science   (01.1001) B.S. UG
Food Science   (01.1001) M.S. GR, Thesis
Food Science   (01.1001) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Food Science   (01.1001) Ph.D. GR, Dissertation
Food Science Business* (online only)   (01.1001) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Forestry   (03.0599) B.S. UG
Gerontology   (44.0701) Certificate UG-level
Kinesiology   (31.0505) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Kinesiology   (31.0505) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Class A
Kinesiology   (31.0505) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Alt Class A
Liberal Studies2   (24.0102) B.L.S. UG
Logistics & Supply Chain Management*   (52.0203) B.S. UG
Logistics & Supply Chain Management Certificate UG-level
Management*, 1   (52.0201) B.S. UG
Marketing   (52.1401) B.S. UG
Mathematics   (27.0101) B.S. UG
Mechanical Engineering   (14.1901) B.S.M.E. UG
Mechanical Engineering   (14.1901) M.S.M.E. GR, Thesis
Mechanical Engineering   (14.1901) M.S.M.E. GR, Non-thesis
Music   (50.0901) B.M. UG
Physics, General   (40.0801) B.S. UG
Physics, General   (40.0801) M.S. GR, Thesis
Physics, General   (40.0801) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Physics, Applied   (40.0899) Ph.D. GR, Dissertation
Plant Biotechnology   (26.1201) B.S. UG
Plant & Soil Science   (01.9999) M.S. GR, Thesis
Plant & Soil Science   (01.9999) M.S. GR, Non-thesis
Plant & Soil Science   (01.9999) Ph.D. GR, Dissertation
Political Science   (45.1001) B.A. UG
Psychology   (42.0101) B.A. UG
Public Administration   (44.0401) M.P.A. GR, Non-thesis
Social Work1   (44.0701) B.A. UG
Social Work   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Thesis
Adv Stnding Prgm
Social Work   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Thesis
2-yr Prgm
Social Work   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Thesis
3-yr Prgm
Social Work1   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Thesis
4-yr prgm
Social Work   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Non-thesis
Adv Stnding Prgm
Social Work   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Non-thesis
2-yr Prgm
Social Work   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Non-thesis
3-yr prgm
Social Work1   (44.0701) M.S.W. GR, Non-thesis
4-yr prgm
Social Work* (online ony)   (44.0701) Ph.D. GR
Sociology   (45.1101) B.A. UG
Sport Management   (31.0504) B.S. UG
Systems & Materiel Engineering   (14.9999) M.Eng GR, Non-thesis
Urban & Regional Planning   (04.0301) B.S. UG
Urban & Regional Planning   (04.0301) M.U.R.P. GR, Thesis
Urban & Regional Planning   (04.0301) M.U.R.P. GR, Non-thesis
Visual Art   (50.0702) B.A. UG

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