Bulldog Market
2143 Student Visits the Pantry
Making sure that our campus community has access to food is a priority. If you are struggling with food insecurity, please visit AAMU's Bulldog Market in Macleb and Macintosh Building in room 103.
The Bulldog Market is closed due to relocation. We wil resume regular hours on February 21, 2024.
For EMERGENCY services please contact: Monica Clarke @256-372-4710 or email at monica.clarke@aamu.edu
Commonly Asked Questions:
Who can receive food? Any student attending Alabama A&M University can visit the market for food or personal hygeine items.
What time can you can you come to the pantry?
The pantry is open Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
What will I need to do when I got to the pantry?
Complete a short survey
Will you collect my personal information?
Just your classification and your A-number.
Will my information be confidential?
Yes, all information is confidential.
How many items can I get from the pantry?
You can get any three items per visit.
How many times can you visit the pantry a day?
You can visit the pantry several times a day.
Want to DONATE:
- Go to AAMU website
- Visit Marketing, Communication, & Advancement
- Click on DONATE NOW
- Click on GIVE NOW
- Complete donation amount, then click on drop down, select Bulldog Market
Physcial donations are accepted on Monday and Fridays. Please contact Monica Clarke @ monica.clarke@aamu.edu or call at 256-617-2842
Donations should be dropped off at Mcleb and Macintosh Building (MMH)room #103
Donation Wishlist
Thank You Donors!!! We appreciatie You!
St Luke Christain Church MB Solutions YVAC Foundation
Union Hill P.B. Bible Study Group Union Capel M. B. Gospel Impact Building Church
Reformed University Fellowship Karen Brown Men of Distinction
Basic Needs Coalition Epsilon Gamma Omega AKA Delta Sigma Theta
National Alumini Chapter HSV AAMU School of Business
Food Insecurities of College Campus Across America
Student Quotes:
I don't know how I would have lasted if it wasn't for the free food in the pantry".
Jamie, First Semester Sophomore
"People say you are suppose to gain 15v pounds in college, I lost 15 pounds."
Leslie, Second Semeser Freshman
"Its hare to study for a test when you are hungry. I'm just glad I can get help."
Theresa. First Semestter Sophomore
Other Resources for AAMU Students:
AAMU Disabilty Services
Alabama Public Health/Madison County Health Department
My DHR Food Assistance/Madison County
Huntsville Madsion County Chamber