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Time Session Topics
9:00 Opening and Introduction of the Speaker  
9:15 Workshop Overview Workshop Overview; Praxis AI Platform Access and Usage; Introduction to the Linux Command Line
9:30 Praxis Access and Usage  
9:45 An Introduction to the Command Line for Genomics Part-1  
10:45 Coffee Break  
11:15 An Introduction to the Command Line for Genomics Part-2 Project Management for Genomics; Introducing the Shell; Working with Files and Directories
12:45 LUNCH  
2:00 Accessing the Pacific Research Platform Nautilus Kubernetes Cluster to Run Genomics Workflows  Accessing the PRP Kubernetes Cluster; Launching a Pod to View the PVC Filesystem; Moving data into/out of cluster; Running the KINC workflow
4:00 Adjourn  
Time Session Topics
9:00 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with CCP Creating and Accessing an "on-prem" Kubernetes Cluster with CCP
10:45 Coffee Break  
11:15 Accessing and Running Jobs on the CCP Cluster (and again on the PRP) Running the KINC Workflow on the "CCP" and PRP Clusters
12:45 LUNCH  
2:00 SEMINAR: Computational Biology Approaches to Improve our Species: From Cancer to Crops  
3:15 SEMINAR: Importance of Cyberinfrastructure for Scientific Discovery   
4:00 Adjourn