“Meet the Greeks” NPHC Forum
Within the first 2 weeks of the fall and spring semester, Alabama A&M University’s NPHC hosts, “Meet the Greeks”. This is an opportunity for students who are unsure about the process of joining one of the Greek Letter organizations, to meet and greet all of the NPHC fraternities and sororities. This serves as a great opportunity to ask questions and obtain more information regarding the organization’s history, informational, academic and financial obligations, and on-campus events without the fear of showing preference for one organization over another. ALL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN MEMBERSHIP INTAKE MUST ATTEND ONE “MEET THE GREEKS” DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF THEIR SELECTION.
It is important that each interested student take the time to learn about the history, aims, and national programs of each organization before joining any NPHC fraternity or sorority to fully appreciate and understand the depth of Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO).
NPHC will host an annual NPHC Greek Week for the spring semester. The annual week of events is geared toward undergraduate students on campus who are interested in joining NPHC fraternities and sororities and/or interested in engaging in educational and inclusive student activities.
Greek Weeks
The Office of Student Activities will host an NPHC Greek Week(s) raffle at the first NPHC meeting of the fall semester to determine organization Greek Week dates.
Community Service
Once a month Alabama A&M University’s NPHC comes together to participate in a community service project to give back to the campus community. This program serves as a great opportunity for NPHC to provide a positive outlook on the community.
Fall Step Show
Black Greek Lettered Organizations compete at the Annual NPHC Step Show held during Alabama A&M University’s “Another Legendary Homecoming Encounter” during the fall semester.
NPHC Yard Show
The annual NPHC Yard Show serves to promote unity and inclusion within the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and is also a showcase for the AAMU Community to see the accomplishments of the council. The NPHC Yard Show is held during Welcome Week, Homecoming, and/or Spring Week.
Chapter Officers Leadership Retreat