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Poster Presentations Guidelines

The poster presentations will include a visual display of scientific studies, a systematic review of literature, the impact of community learning/field experience projects, and any other creative expressions. Posters presentations provide an opportunity for the students to gain experience and exposure before a professional audience while highlighting their scholarship.

Abstract submission

Abstract Submission for Entry: To be eligible as a presenter, an abstract must be submitted. Entries must be an original creation of the student. Abstracts must be 300 Words or Less. All abstracts must be submitted electronically no later than deadline. The deadline for STEM Day 2025 abstracts is Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm. 

Poster Formatting

Competencies: The primary competencies that will be necessary and showcased are:

            • Creative thinking
            • Communication
            • Critical thinking
            • Self-development

Poster Presentation: Students can share their learning via graphical and diagrammatic posters with standard sections depicted. The broad sections will include an abstract, introduction, methods used, results found, discussions, followed by conclusions and references.

Students are expected to develop the poster on a PowerPoint slide that is 30 inches by 40 inches in size. Students can download the templates provided to create their posters. Templates provide a sample of the expected structure, clarity, completeness, and professional look. Use the research poster template quick tutorials when using teh provided templates.


Poster: Students can utilize the given templates and develop their posters. The posters can be colorful, complete, and easy to follow. Include all the necessary side-headings for a professional poster. The name of the student author, major advisor, and other co-authors must be listed. Any references, affiliation, or funding information must be included as well. 

Evaluation of the Poster: A team of judges will review the poster and evaluate them using the following criteria: using criteria: complete and easy to understand, compelling and well- designed, the significance of the topic, importance of the results, scientific approach, explanations, and clarifications, and responses to the questions.

Poster Printing

Large format printing is available to all students, faculty and staff at the J. F. Drake Library. Fill out a request form using the provided button link to print out your poster.  Each AAMU student is entitled to ONE 36 X 48 inches print each semester at no cost. Additional prints are priced at $40 per 36 X 48-inch sheet. Requests must be submitted at least 72 hours in advance. Students will be emailed when their job is complete and ready for pick-up at the RILS (Reference desk on the 2nd floor of Drake LRC.    

Plotter Printing at Your Fingertips flyer


Helpful Links for All Presenters

Beneficial videos/links to watch/review in preparation for the conference: