Organizational Chart & Structure
The Board of Trustees has the legal and exclusive statutory jurisdiction, power, and authority with regard to the supervision, management, and control of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University. This role is executed through the policy-making responsibilities of the Board of Trustees. The Board in turn employs a president as the chief executive officer and delegates to the president the responsibility for executing the policies developed by the Board in concert with appropriate University faculty, staff, and administrators.
Through Board of Trustees policies and statutorily, “there is a clear and appropriate distinction in writing and in practice, between the policy-making function of the Board of Trustees and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement the policy.” Section 16-49-23 revised of the Alabama code further defines this distinction. According to the statute, “[T]he Board shall not engage in activity that interferes with the day-to-day operation of the University. The primary responsibility of the Board of Trustees is to set policy for the University and prescribe rates of tuition and fees.” The Board also has the power to organize the University by appointing a president. The president shall appoint the faculty, staff, and officers of the University, and regulate, alter, and modify the organization of the University, subject to review and concurrence of the Board.
The organizational structure of the University adheres to the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges relative to delineation of responsibilities for policy and administration and clearly defines the legal authority and operating control for related foundations other entities, athletics, and fundraising. The organizational structure also facilitates the accomplishment of the University’s mission, goals, and vision as reflected in the University’s Strategic Plan, Into the Future.
Under the current organizational structure of the University, the ultimate legal authority for the University rests with the Board of Trustees with the president reporting directly to the Board and certain key administrative units/officers reporting to the president.
The organizational structure provides for programs and functions relating to academics and research reporting to the President through the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Non-academic administrative operations report to the President through the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, the Vice President for Business and Finance, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Marketing, Communications, and Advancement, the Chief Information Officer, the University General Counsel and the Athletics Director comprise the President’s Cabinet. The Cabinet is the structure for the formulation of policies and procedures, and the administration and execution of policies approved by the Board of Trustees.
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