Mohamed Ashour
Mohamed Ashour, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Coordinator, Civil Engineering Program
Geotechnical Engineering
Phone: (256)-372-4145
Ph.D. - Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno (1998)
M.S. - Civil Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt, Egypt (1991)
B.S. - Civil Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt (1986)
2021-Present: Professor, and Coordinator of Civil Engineering Program, Alabama A&M
University, Huntsville, AL
2017-2020: Associate Professor, and Coordinator of Civil Engineering program, Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, AL
2013-2016: Professor and Head of Building & Construction Program, Department of Structural Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt
2008-2013: Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
2005-2008: Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, West Virginia University, Institute of Technology (WV-Tech), WV
1999-2004: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Research interests
Soil-Structure-Interaction; Laterally and Axially Loaded Piles/Large Diameter Shafts;
Soil Modeling; Soil Liquefaction and Lateral Soil Spread, Slope Stabilization; Seismic
Behavior of Deep Foundations and Bridge Abutments; Experimental Testing.
Teaching Interests
Soil Mechanics, Advanced Soil Mechanics, Foundation Design, Advanced Geotechnical
Engineering, Retaining Structures, Seepage and Water Flow, Earthquake Engineering,
Slope Stability, Mechanics of Materials, Statics, Civil Engineering Materials, Dams
and Earth Structures, Finite Element Method, Structure Analysis, Computer Programing.
Professional Memberships/Activities
Licensed Professional Engineer, P.E., California and Nevada
Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Member of the Deep Foundation Institute (DFI)
Member of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society (SEAGS)
Selected Publications
1. Ibrahiem, A., Ashour, M., and El-Tahrany, A. (2018) "Pile Response Under Axial
Tension Forces in Sandy Soils." Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, (Accepted, in
2. Ashour, M., and Helal, A. (2017) “Pre-Liquefaction and Post-Liquefaction Responses
of Axially Loaded Piles in Sands.” International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, Vol.
17, No. 9.
3. Ashour, M., and Helal, A. (2014) “Contribution of Vertical Skin Friction to the
Lateral Resistance of Large Diameter Shafts” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE,
Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 289–302.
4. Ashour, M., and Ardalan, H. (2012). “P-y Curve and Lateral Response of Piles in
Fully Liquefied Sands.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 633-650.
5. Ashour, M., and Ardalan, H. (2012) “Analysis of Pile Stabilized Slopes Based on
Soil-Pile interaction.” Journal of Computers and Geotechnics, ELSEVIER, Vol. 39, No.
1, pp. 85-97.