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Cancelling an Appointment

Cancelling an Appointment

Email your advisor and request for your appointment to be cancelled. Be sure to include the following in your email.

  • Your First and Last Name
  • Banner ID
  • Date and time of scheduled appointment
  • General reason for cancellation

Sample Email

Hello Dr. Kidd,

This is Jane Doe (A00012123). Please cancel my advising appointment for Monday, March 29 at 4:00 pm. I have to take a makeup test at that time.

Jane Doe

Email the TAN Coordinator ( and request for your appointment to be cancelled. Be sure to include the following in your email.

  • Your First and Last Name
  • Banner ID
  • Appointment Course 
  • Date and time of scheduled appointment
  • General reason for cancellation

Sample Email

Hello Mrs. McClellan,

This is Jane Doe (A00012123). Please cancel my MTH 112 tutoring appointment with Kay Doe for Monday, March 29 at 4:00 pm. I have to take a makeup test at that time.

Jane Doe