Dr. Padmaja Guggilla
Associate Dean of Student Success, CETPS
Professor of Physics and Chairperson of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
Editorial Board Member, Effective Practices for Physics Programs, American Physical Society (2024-2028)
DoE Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) Member April 2022- December, 2026
Center for the Advancement of STEM Leadership (CASL) Fellow 2021-2022
Fearless Leadership Program (FLP) Fellow 2019-2020
Research Interests
Organic Solar Cells, Composite materials, Pyroelectric materials, Infrared Sensors, Condensed matter physics, Crystal Growth, Thin film and Thick film technology, Composite Films, Nanotechnology.
Office: 133 V. M. Chambers Bld.
Phone: (256) 372-8141
E-Mail: padmaja.guggilla [at] aamu.edu
Grants Received
Co-PI: Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University ALSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate: Navigating BD Scholars’ Successful Transition to STEM Graduate Programs from NSF (2024-2026)($1, 075,000)
Co-PI: CREST HBCU-RISE grant, from NSF (2023-2026)($1.2 Million Dollars)
AAMU-PI: CANDID: Collider physics, Artificial intelligence, Neutrinos, Dark matter, and heavy Ions for Diversity in collaboration with Oak Ridge National laboratory from DoE (2022-2025) ($ 201,863)
Co-PI: Partnership for Radiation Studies (PaRS) from National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) (2022-2027) (2.84 Million Dollars)
PI: Secured $50,000 for supporting two PhD students from GRSP-EPSCoR Scholarship Funding (2022-2023) ($50,000)
Co-PI: ADVANCE: The Alabama ADVANCE Partnership for Gender Equity from National Science Foundation. 2019-2023 ($195,040)
PI: Secured $25,000 for 2020-2021 supporting one MS student and $43,750 for 2021-2022 supporting two PhD students from GRSP-EPSCoR Scholarship Funding ($68,750)
Co-PI: Sub-award: RII Track-1: CPU2AL: Connecting the Plasma Universe to Plasma Technology in Alabama (2017-2022) ($658,000)
PI: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) from National Science Foundation. 2016-2021 ($278,000)
Co-PI: MRI: Acquisition of an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer for Advancing Multidisciplinary Research and Education in Quantum Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Biosensors, and Energy Storage from National Science Foundation. 2018-2020 ($628,558)
Co-PI: Elevating STEM Freshmen Computer Literacy Education with Evidence-Based Teaching and
Research Integration at AAMU from Department of Education 2015-2019 ($356,658)
Senior Personnel: RISE Grant from National Science Foundation. 2016-2019 ($999,999)
PI: DHS-BS Grant from Department of Homeland Security. 2011-2017 ($483,768)
Co-I: S-STEM Grant from National Science Foundation. 2012-2017 ($599,999)
PI: EPSCoR RII C2 A&M Subcontract. 2012-2013 ($46,423)
PI: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) from National Science Foundation. 2013-2016
PI: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) from National Science Foundation. 2010-2013
Co-I: RISE Grant from National Science Foundation. 2009 -2012 ($1,000,000)
Co-I: HBCU Substance Abuse Treatment Workforce Development from Morehouse School of Medicine. 2008 Mini Grant ($8000)
- Recipient of the "2018-Emerging Scholar in USA" from Diverse Issues in Higher Education Magazine.
- Recipient of the "Professor of the Year" for 2016-2017 from Alabama A&M University.
- Received “Faculty of the year award for Excellence in Scholarship, Research Activity and Other Professional Contributions” award from College of Engineering Technology and Physical Sciences, AAMU (2016-2017)
- Featured in Huntsville Times as “AAMU-2017: 142 point of Pride” (2017)
- Selected for “Covington Who’s Who” (2017)
- Selected for “2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award” by Marquis Who’s Who
- Honorable Mention in “Who’s Who in America” (2017)
- Featured in AAMU Bulldog-BottomLine and CETPS Newsletter as STEM Faculty Won DoEd Grant (2016).
- Served as Session Chair at both Polymer Science and Engineering-2016 and Materials Science and Engineering-2016 Conferences.
- Recipient of the "Faculty of the Year, Overall Award 2013-2014" from College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences
- Featured in Huntsville Times as “AAMU-2011: 135 point of Pride” (2011)
- Recipient of the "Most Effective New faculty of the Year 2008-2009" from School of Arts and Sciences, AAMU
- Nominated for the "Best Teacher-Scholar of the Year 2008-2009" from School of Arts and Sciences, AAMU.
Synergistic Activities
Served STEMDAY-2022 Awards Committee, Alabama A&M University.
Served STEMDAY-2021 Awards Committee, Alabama A&M University.
Served as STEMDAY-2018 Chair, Alabama A&M University.
Served as STEMDAY-2017 Co-Chair, Alabama A&M University.
Serving on the NSF-Proposals panelist since 2013.
Served on the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Sumer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP)
proposals panelist from 2015
Invited as speaker at Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology (EMN) Conference, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL (2013).
Associate Editor of Versita (Emerging Science Publisher) Open Access journal publisher
Invited as speaker at the colloquium talk at University of Alabama at Huntsville
Served on the NSF-GRFP panelist and DoD-NDSEG panelist from 2012.
Served on the judge panel of AAMU Robotics Competition in LEGO at AAMU in Fall-2012.
Served on judge panel for AAS Gorgas Scholarship since 2010
Invited to review proposals and technical papers for Federal funding agencies and
various reputed Journals. (2009-till date)
Invited as speaker to give a talk on Transition from F1 to H1 at Asha Kiran Non-Profit
Organization, Huntsville, AL.
Complete List of Publications
Book Chapters
Padmaja Guggilla, Ashok Batra. “Novel Electroceramic: Polymer Composites - Preparation, Properties and Applications”, Composite Materials/Book 3, ISBN 978-953-307-352-1, Edited by: John Cuppoletti, InTech - Open Access Publisher, August, 2011.
Ashwith Chilvery, Sharvare Palwai, Padmaja Guggilla, Kijana Wren and Devon Edinburgh. "Perovskite Materials: Recent Advancements and Challenges", Perovskite Materials, Devices and Integration, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88500, InTech - Open Access Publisher, September, 2019.
Journal Publications
1. , , , Optical band gap engineering and comparison of conductivity of CaTiO3 and LiNbO3 doped PVDF films"
2. Mersaydes Goodson, Kunning G Xu, Padmaja Guggilla, "Effects of Non-Thermal Plasma Jet Treatment of Pure/Doped Polystyrene Thin Films on UV-Vis Optical Properties" European Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 1 (2022)
3. Mersaydes Goodson, Padmaja Guggilla, "Investigation of Uv-Vis Characteristics of Pure/Doped Polystyrene Thin Films Prepared by Solution Casting Method", Journal of Materials and Polymer Science Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)
4. S Palwai, P Guggilla, A Chilvery, “Impact of Perovskite Materials in Ferroelectric Polymer”, Nano Tech Appl, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 1-5 (2020).
5. Padmaja Guggilla, Aschalew Kassu, David Simpson, “Optical characterization of polystyrene and ZnO”, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices XV, Volume 10730, International Society for Optics and Photonics (2018)
6. Guggilla P, Chilvery A and Powell R, “Reducing the Bandgap Energy via Doping Process in Lead-Free
Thin Film Nanocomposites”, Research and Reviews: Journal of Materials Science, Volume
5, Number 1, 33-44 (2017).
7. Padmaja Guggilla, Courtney Walker, Matthew Edwards, Ashwith Chilvery, Brian Thomas, “Dielectric Behavior
of Lithium Tantalate (LiTaO3)/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) Nanocomposites Doped
with MWCNTs”, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine Volume 9, Number 3, 204-208
8. Matthew Edwards, Padmaja Guggilla, Angela Reedy, Quratulann Ijaz, Afef Janen, Samuel Uba, Michael Curley, “Moderate temperature-dependent surface and volume resistivity and low-frequency dielectric constant measurements of pure and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) doped polyvinyl alcohol thin films”, Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications XI, Volume 10382, International Society for Optics and Photonics (2017)
9. Padmaja Guggilla, Ashwith Chilvery, Kamala Bhat, Edelmy J. Bernardez, “Thin Films to Single Crystals:
Organometal Halide Perovskite Materials for Advanced Optoelectronics”, Journal of
Photonic Materials and Technology, 2(3): 25-31 (2016).
10. P Guggilla, Ryan Moxon, AK Batra, R Powell, “Effects of Oxygen ion irradiation on PZT Modified
Ferroelectric Materials for Space Applications”, International Journal of Nanotechnology
and Nanomedicine, Volume 1, Number 1, 1-7 (2016).
11. P Guggilla, M Edwards, “Dielectric, Conductance and Pyroelectric Characterization of MWCNT:PVDF
Nanocomposite Thin Films for Multiple Device Applications”, International Journal
of Composite Materials Volume 6, Number 5, 145-151 (2016).
12. Padmaja Guggilla, Courtney Walker, Aschalew Kassu, “Efficiency of Lead-Free Nanocomposite Films Doped
with MWCNT”, Under Review, Research Journal of Nanoscience and Engineering (2017)
13. Almuatasim Alomari, Ashok K. Batra, Bir B. Bohara, Padmaja Guggilla, "Dielectric and Piezoelectric Behavior of Functional Paint/PMN-PT Nanocomposite
Films for Energy Harvesting", Under Review, Journal of Electronic Materials (2017)
14. A. K Batra, A. Alomari, P Guggilla, D Brown, O Kamara, RB Lal, “Growth and Optical Characterization of Doped Triglycine
Sulfate (TGS) Crystals”, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 8 (9), 689-694
15. A Chilvery, S Das, P Guggilla, C Brantley, A Sunda-Meya, “A perspective on the recent progress in solution-processed
methods for highly efficient perovskite solar cells”, Science and Technology of advanced
Materials, Taylor & Francis, 17 (1), 650-658 (2016)
16. A. K. Chilvery, P Guggilla, AK Batra, DD Gaikwad, JR Currie, “Efficient planar perovskite solar cell by spray
and brush solution-processing methods”,Journal of Photonics for Energy 5 (1), 053093-053093
17. M. Edwards, P Guggilla, A Janen, J Polius, S Egarievwe, M Curley, “Dielectric Surface Currents and Dielectric
Constant Measurements of Pure and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) Doped Polyvinyl
Alcohol Thin Films”, American Journal Of Materials Science 5 (3A), 1-7 (2015)
18. A. K. Chilvery, AK Batra, B Yang, K Xiao, P Guggilla, MD Aggarwal, “Perovskites: transforming photovoltaics, a mini-review”, Journal of
Photonics for Energy 5 (1), 057402-057402
19. A. K. Batra, ME Edwards, P Guggilla, MD Aggarwal, RB Lal, “Pyroelectric properties of PVDF: MWCNT nanocomposite film
for uncooled infrared detectors and medical applications”, Integrated Ferroelectrics
158 (1), 98-107 (2014)
20. Ashok Batra, A. K. Chilvery, Padmaja Guggilla, Mohan Aggarwal, James R. Currie Jr.. “Micro-and Nano-Structured Metal Oxide Chemical
Sensors for Volatile Organic Compounds”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Vol. 14, 1–21 (2014)
NASA Technical Memorandum
M. D. Aggarwal, A. K. Batra, M. E. Edwards, P. Guggilla, B.G. Penn, J. R. Currie Jr, “Pyroelectric Materials for Uncooled Infrared Detectors: Processing, Properties and Applications” NASA Technical Memorandum (2010) (Authors’ names in alphabetical order).
Conference Proceedings
Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cell by Spray and Brush Solution-Processing Methods, Ashwith Kumar Chilvery; Padmaja Guggilla ; Ashok K. Batra ; Dyaneshwar D. Gaikwad ; James R. Currie, J. Photon. Energy (2015)
Dielectric Surface Currents and Dielectric Constant Measurements of Pure and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) Doped Polyvinyl Alcohol Thin Films, Matthew Edwards, Padmaja Guggilla, Afef Janen, Jemilia Polius, Stephen Egarievwe, Michael Curley, American Journal of Materials Science (2015)
Perovskites: Transforming Photovoltaics, a Mini-Review, Ashwith Kumar Chilvery, Ashok K Batra, Bin Yang, Kai Xiao, Padmaja Guggilla, Mohan D Aggarwal, Raja Surabhi, Ravi B Lal, James R Currie, Benjamin G Penn, J. Photon. Energy (2015)
Determining the electrical mechanism of the surface resistivity property of doped polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and the pyroelectric property of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) thin films, Matthew Edwards; Afef Janen; Padmaja Guggilla; Jemelia Polius; Jade Douglas; Michael Curley, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications V (2015)
Micro-and nano-structured metal oxides based chemical sensors: an overview, Ashok K Batra, AK Chilvery, Padmaja Guggilla, Mohan Aggarwal, James R Currie , Journal of Nanoscience Nanotechnology (2014)
Characterization of polymeric composite films with MWCNT and Ag nanoparticles , Matthew E Edwards, Ashok K Batra, Ashwith K Chilvery, Padmaja Guggilla, Manmohan D Aggarwal, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications II (2012)
Pyroelectric Properties of PVDF: MWCNT Nanocomposite Film for Uncooled Infrared Detectors and Medical Applications, AK Batra, ME Edwards, P Guggilla, MD Aggarwal, RB Lal, Integrated Ferroelectrics: An International Journal (2014)
Measurement of the dielectric, conductance, and pyroelectric properties of MWCNT:PVDF nanocomposite thin films for application in infrared technologies, Matthew Edwards; Padmaja Guggilla; John Corda; Stephen Egarievwe, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications III (2013)
Bojun Zhang, T. X. Zhang, P. Guggilla, and M. Dokhanian. “Gravitational Field Shielding by Scalar Field and Type II Superconductors.”,
Journal of Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Progress in Physics
Vol 1 (2013)
Ashwith K. Chilvery, Ashok K. Batra, Padmaja Guggilla, R. B. Lal, Raja Surabhi. “A Versatile Technique for the Fabrication of PEDOT: PSS
Films for Organic Solar Cells”. Energy Science and Technology Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012,
pp. 6-11.
M. E. Edwards, Ashok K. Batra, Ashwith K. Chilvery, Padmaja Guggilla, M. D. Aggarwal. “Pyroelectric Properties of PVDF: MWCNT Nanocomposite Film for Uncooled
Infrared Detectors”. Materials Sciences and Applications, 2012, 3, 851-855
A. K. Batra, Padmaja Guggilla, M. Dokhanian, M. D. Aggarwal, M. E. Edwards, A. Vaseashta, "Computation of Current
Response of a Bimorph Pyroelectric Infrared Detector", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials
and Biostructures, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 863-871 (2010).
A. K. Batra, Padmaja Guggilla, M. Dokhanian, M. D. Aggarwal, M. E. Edwards, A. Vaseashta, "Computation of Current
Response of a Bimorph Pyroelectric Infrared Detector", Journal of Optoelectronics
and Advanced Materials, p. 1165, vol. 12, (2010).
Guggilla Padmaja, Batra, A. K., Currie, J. R., Aggarwal, M. D., Penn, B., Lal, R. B. “Pyroelectric
Ceramics for Infrared Detection Applications.” NASA Technical Reports Server (2010).
Padmaja Guggilla, Ashok Batra, Matthew Edwards, "Electrical Characterization of LiTaO3:P(VDF-TrFE)Composites",Journal
of Materials Science, 44:5469-5474,2009.
A. K. Batra, John Corda, Padmaja Guggilla, M. D. Aggarwal and M. E. Edwards, “Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties of LiTaO3:P(VDF-TrFE
Composite Films”, Communicated with SPIE 2009 SanJose, CA.
Padmaja Guggilla, Ashok K. Batra, Matthew E. Edwards, “Novel Pyroelectric Material Systems for Infrared
Sensor Applications ” Bulletin of the American Physical Society Volume 53, Number
13, American Physical Society, SESAPS'08.
Padmaja Guggilla, Ashok K. Batra, James R. Currie, Mohan D. Aggarwal, Mohammad A. Alim and Ravindra
B. Lal. “ Pyroelectric Ceramics for Infrared Detection Applications.” Materials Letters
60 (2006): 1937 –1942.
Batra A.K., Guggilla Padmaja, Cunnigham Dewanna, Aggarwal M. D., Lal R. B. “ Growth and Characterization of Rare
Earths Doped Triglycine Sulfate Crystals.” Physica B, Condensed Matter 371, (2006):
A. K. Batra, Padmaja Guggilla, Mohan Aggarwal and R.B. Lal. “Effects of O + Irradiation on Infrared Sensing Characteristics
of Modified PZT Ceramic.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 246(2006):
Padmaja Guggilla , A. K. Batra , J. R. Currie , M. D. Aggarwal and R. B. Lal “Computation of Current
Responsivity of a Bimorph Pyroelectric Infrared Detector.” Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc.
Opt. Eng., Vol. 6295, Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VIII; (Sep 2006):
Guggilla, Padmaja , Batra, Ashok K. , Aggarwal, Mohan D. , Lal, R. B. “ Investigation on Nanocomposites
for Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors.” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5725, 295, (2005).
Ashok K. Batra , M. Simmons , Padmaja Guggilla, M. D. Aggarwal, and R. B. Lal. “Studies of Electrical Conduction in Pyroelectric
DTGS: PVDF Composites.” Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Organic Photonic Materials
and Devices VI Vol. 5351, Jun., (2004): p.298-302.
Gebre Tesfaye,Batra A. Ashok K., Guggilla Padmaja, Aggarwal Mohan D., Lal Ravindra B. “Pyroelectric Properties of Pure and Doped Lithium
Niobate Crystals for Infrared Sensors.” Ferroelectric Letters, 31, (2004): 131 -139.
A.K. Batra, M. Simmons, Padmaja Guggilla, M. D. Aggarwal, R. B. Lal. “ Studies on DTGS: PVDF Composites for Pyroelectric Infrared
Detectors.” Integrated Ferroelectrics, Vul.63, (2004): pp 161-169.
Houssam A. Toutanji, Padmaja Guggilla, Bryan Cheatwood. “ Development of a New Experimental Approval for Bridge Deck Evaluation.”
Technical report submitted to Utility Transportation Contractors Association, Allenwood,
NJ (2002).
Technical Presentations
"Investigation on Pyroelectric Films for Infrared Sensors”, Air Force Research
Laboratory (AFRL)/ Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/ Minority Institutions
(MIS) Major Thrust technical Seminar, Tallahassee, FL, Sep 27 - Sep 29, 2005.
"A Study of Materials for Uncooled Infrared Detectors”, Air Force Research Laboratory
(AFRL)/ Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/ Minority Institutions
(MIS) Major Thrust technical Seminar, Greensboro, NC, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2006.
"Novel Pyroelectric Material Systems for Infrared Sensor Applications" , American
Physical Society, SESAPS '08 meeting, Raleigh, NC, Oct 29- Nov 1, 2008.
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