Dr. T. X. Zhang
Research Interests:
Solar and Plasma Physics - Theory for Solar 3He-Rich Events; Kinetic Model for Coronal Hole Heating; MHD Simulation for Corona Mass Ejections; Plasma Heating and Acceleration of Particles; Plasma limiter and Antenna Technology; New Mechanisms for Plasma Fusion: Heating Ions Preferentially and Lowering Coulomb Barrier; Space Charging Model for Planetary Magnetic Fields.
Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Cosmology - 5D Gravity; Charge and Scalar Field Effects on Matter and Light; Theory for Electric Redshift; Theory for Gravitational Field Shielding; Neutron Star Model; Gravitationless Black Hole; Mechanism for Gamma-Ray Bursts and Quasars; Mechanism for Supernova Explosion; Black Hole Universe Model; Kaluza-Klein Cosmology; Dynamics of Spacetime; Structure of the Entire Spacetime; New View to the Inside of Black Holes and Singularity
Particle Physics and Unification Theory - Quark Decay, Excitation, Annihilation, and Pair Production; Lepton and Meson Formation and Neutrino Oscillation; Formation of the Fourth Generation Leptons; Classical Unification Theory for All Fundamental Interactions of Nature; Concept of Imaginary Energy; Concept for Weak Interaction as Electric-Color Charge Interaction; Josephson Pulses and Quantum Computing
Office: 122 V. M. Chambers Bld.
Phone: (256) 372-8106
E-Mail: tianxi.zhang@aamu.edu
Current Research Project
IBM-HBCU Quantum Center Awarded Project: Dr. Tianxi Zhang has been awarded by the IBM-HBCU Quantum Center for the proposal entitled “Investigation on Characteristics of Josephson Pulses”. The total award value is $83,815 for the year 2022-2023. It supports PI, Dr. Zhang, as a Faculty from AAMU to join the IBM founded HBCU Quantum Center, and one graduate and two undergraduate student participants to carry out the research in the field of quantum information, science, and engineering (QISE). The Josephson junction, formed by separating two superconductors with a thin insulator barrier, is considered as a good candidate for the construction of quantum bits (qubits) for a quantum computer. IBM is building up the largest superconducting quantum computer with hundreds of Josephson junction superconducting qubits. The Josephson pulses can be used for the digit control and study of it plays an important role in the development of quantum computing and technology.
Publications (63 refereed + 13 Proceedings)
- Zhang, T. X., Pulses of Josephson Junction and Control with Light, SPIE Photonic West 2023 Paper Number: 12446-92, pp.1-7 (2023)
- Zhang, T. X., Black Hole Universe – A Complete Structure of the Entire Spacetime, Progress in Physics, 18, 111-116 (2022)
- Zhang, T. X., The First Four Days: A Scientific View for the Creation of the Universe, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education, v. 5/2021, 58-66 (2021)
- Zhang, T. X., Genesis and Black Hole Universe: The Fourth Day, International Journal for Philosophy, Theology, and Science, 9, 5-18 (2021)
- Zhang, T.X., Gamow Theory for Transmission and Decay of Unbound Diprotons, Progress in Physics, 10, 185-188 (2021)
- Zhang, T. X., Genesis and Black Hole Universe: The Third Day, International Journal for Philosophy, Theology, and Science, 8, 5-18 (2021).
- Zhang, T. X., The Role Played by Plasma Waves in Stabilizing Solar Nuclear Fusion, Progress in Physics, 17, 93-98 (2021).
- Zhang, T. X., Plasma Fusion of Deuterons at Kiloelectron Volts with Extremely Heated Tritons, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences, 48, 2884-2889 (2020).
- Zhang, T. X., Genesis and Black Hole Universe: The Second Day, International Journal for Philosophy, Theology, and Science, 7, 5-19 (2020).
- Zhang, T. X., Genesis and Black Hole Universe: The First Day, International Journal for Philosophy, Theology, and Science, 6, 54-67 (2020).
- Zhang, T. X., and Ye, M. Y., Plasma Fusion with Coulomb’s Barrier Lowed by Scalar Field, Progress in Physics, 15, 191-196 (2019)
- Zhang, T. X., A Space Charging Model for the Origin of Planet’s Magnetic Field, Progress in Physics, 15, 92-100 (2019)
- Zhang, T. X., The Principles and Laws of Black Hole Universe, Journal of Modern Physics, 9, 1838-1859 (2018)
Synergistic Activities
- Convened and presided a special oral session in the 224th American Astronomical Society (AAS) Summer meeting at Boston in June, 2014. The session (#304) is entitled as “Observation and Theory for Multiverse”
- Convened and presided a special oral session (SH10) in the 2008 Fall AGU meeting at San Francisco, entitled “Coronal Mass Ejections with and without Magnetic Flux-Rope Topologies and Their Associations with Solar Energetic Particle Events.”
- Convened and presided a special oral session (SH08) in the 2007 Fall AGU meeting at San Francisco, entitled “Observations and Theories for Solar 3He-Rich Events.”
- Organized a Workshop with NSF CISM Director at Alabama A&M University in January, 2011
- Reviewed articles for journals such as ApJL, ApSS, ChJAA, GRL, New Astronomy, etc.
- Reviewed proposals for NASA and NSF
- Joined memberships for AAS, AGU, AIAA, SPIE, and IEEE
- Invited by NASA Headquarter to join the panel review
- Funded by and managed NSF, NASA EPSCoR, and IBM Quantum research projects.
- Advised a number of graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) and undergraduate students’ research in space science
- Had twenty-two years experience of teaching physics at undergraduate and graduate levels in universities
- Developed many new creative models, mechanisms, and theories in broad areas of physics:
- A new cosmological model called black hole universe that explains all existing observations and overcomes cosmic difficulties without any hypothetical entities.
- A five-dimensional fully covariant Kaluza-Klein theory that has successfully unified Einstein’s general relativity and Maxwell’s electromagnetism without including any unknown parameters but having important implications for strong field astrophysics
- A new redshift mechanism called electric redshift that may explain the non-cosmological components of quasar redshifts
- A new gravitational shielding theory that may explain supernova explosions
- A new mechanism for gamma ray bursts, X-ray flares from galactic centers, and quasars as emissions of dynamic star-like, massive, and supermassive black holes
- A new model of pulsars as gravitational shielding and oscillating neutron stars
- A new gravitationless black hole model
- A new redshift-distance relation developed from Mach’s principle and light relativity that derives Hubble law and explains the redshift and luminosity distance measurements of supernova even if the universe does not expand and accelerate
- A new relationship between the cosmological redshift and luminosity distance with a redshift factor that has perfectly explained the measurements of supernova so that completely removed the need of dark energy
- A new gravitational field shielding model with the Landau-Ginzburg scalar field associated with superconductors and superfluids
- A new vacuum polarization model with the Landau-Ginzburg scalar field for plasma fusion with a reduced Coulomb barrier
- A new quark annihilation and pair production model for neutrino oscillations, formation of leptons, and decay of particles
- A new concept for electric and color charges as forms of imaginary energies
- A new concept for the weak force as the interaction between electric and color charges
- A classical unification theory that unifies all fundamental interactions of the nature
- A complete two-stage acceleration model, the best model for solar 3He-rich events since 1995
- A kinetic model for resonant heating of ions in coronal holes by Alfven and ion-cyclotron waves
- A theoretical model for hard X-ray bursts from superhot solar flares
- A MHD simulation model for initiation of coronal mass ejections with and without magnetic flux-rope topologies
- A new mechanism for plasma fusion at ten million degrees in Kelvin (or keVs) with extremely heated 3He ions or tritons
- A new space charging model for the origin of planetary magnetic fields
- A complete structure of the entire spacetime with a new innovative view to the inside of black holes
- A new scientific view for the creation of the universe in the first four days
- A new insight for the Unruh effect on the singularity and radiation of a black hole
- A new method for Josephson junction to generate electromagnetic pulses
- Zhang, T. X., Electric Redshift and Quasars, Astrophys. J. Letters, 636, L61-L64, 2006