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Dr. Vernessa Edwards

Research Interests


Research Interests:

Photorefractive Crystals, Diffractive Holographic Optics, Optical Methods for Environmental and Biological Applications, Investigations of Novel Materials and Techniques for Cancer Research




Office: 029 V. M. Chambers Bld.
Phone: (256) 372-8107      

Recent Publications

  1. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, P. Banarjee, P. Buchhave, J. Wang, V. Edwards, “Visualization of the Refractive Index Modulation by Optical Channeling”, SPIE Proc., Vol. 3793, 148-156, (1999)
  2. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, V. Edwards E. Wards, J. Jones, “ Surface and volume gratings in photorefractive crystals”, COST 2, Workshop on LiNbO3 crystals., Budapest, Hungary, May,17-21, 2001.
  3. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, V. Edwards, S. Sarkisov, M. Curley, J. C. Wang, V. Rotaru, O. Korshack, Optical Channeling and Diffraction in Photorefractive Crystals and Chalcogenide Films, SPIE Proc. Vol. 4803, Seattle, WA, (2002).
  4. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva J. Jones, V. Edwards, M. Bayssie, J. C. Wang, Manipulation of microorganisms with optically induced gratings and photovoltaic pulses, OSA conference, October, 2003, Tucson, AZ
  5. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, M. Edwards, J. Jones, J. Wang, V. Edwards, M. Bayssie, Optical and High Voltage Electrical Pulses Generation From Photorefractive Crystals and Their Use For Manipulation of Nanoparticles and Microorganisms, Presentation at Jackson State University, Tri-State Collaboration, June, 2004.
  6. V. Edwards, N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, J. Jones, F. Okafor, Optical Trapping Using a Moving Interference Pattern for Decontamination, Cleaning, and Separation of Liquid Solutions, First International Environmental Research Symposium, Jackson State University, October, 2004.
  7. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, J. Jones, M. Edwards, J. Wang, V. Edwards, Smart Photogalvanic Running-Gradient Interferometer, accepted to Journal of Applied Physics, 97 o54301 (2005).
  8. V. Edwards, N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, J. Jones, J. Wang, S. F. Lyuksyutov, Optical Trapping Using a Moving Interference Pattern for Decontamination, Cleaning, and Separation of Liquid Solutions, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 2005.
  9. N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, V. Rotaru, V. Edwards, F. Buchhave, J. Wang, S. Bairavarasu, Optical Channeling for Radial Holographic Grating Recording in Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor Films and Photo-Thermo-Plastic Films, SPIE proceedings, Vol 5912, page 591209-11, 2005.