Cadence University Program Member
Alabama A&M University is a member of Cadence University Software Programs. This page contains information about the use of Cadence design tools in classes and research programs in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Alabama A&M University.
- EE 320/320L: Computer Architecture and Digital Design Lab
The course introduces students to computer hardware design and computer system architecture. The computer is presented as a finite state machine. Basic computer functions such as address and data paths, instruction sets and memory cycles, components such as registers, arithmetic units, instruction decoders, and types of memories are discussed and analyzed.
- EE 330: Microprocessors
The course provides students with a basic knowledge of embedded processor characteristics and capabilities; review and enhance concepts from computer architecture course by examining state of the art architectures; expose students to algorithm development using both assembler and C programming languages; and gain laboratory experience in programming embedded devices
- EE 350: VLSI Design and Test
The course prepares students with fundamental VLSI circuit design and test principles and knowledge. The course covers principles of structured VLSI circuit design with emphasis on CMOS, circuit characterization, performance estimation using the Cadence EDA tools; and design and testing at the architectural and register transfer logic levels. The students will understand the basic CMOS logic design, the basic CMOS design and fabrication including analysis tools, topological (mask) design and how to use Cadence layout tools, the relationship between layout design and circuit performance, including analysis of all parasitic capacitances and resistances, the CMOS circuit power consumption, and the design of digital logic including design tradeoffs related to power and performance. Students work through a complete VLSI design flow with Cadence tools for tapeout of a CMOS-based VLSI chip.
Faculty and students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
at Alabama A&M University use the Cadence design tools for their research in the design,
simulation, and layout of analog, digital, and mixed-signal circuits for microelectronics
and embedded system design, with foundry fabrication through TSMC and others.
Dr. Zhigang Xiao
Phone: 256-372-5679