Tutorial Assistance Network
The Tutorial Assistance Network (TAN) coordinates and maintains free, campus-wide tutorial, Supplemental Instruction (SI), and Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) services for undergraduate Alabama A&M University students. TAN tutors, SI leaders, and SLA leaders serve as "learning partners" by collaborating with students to help them:
- Increase their understanding of course materials
- Boost their performance in their courses
- Improve their academic performance
- Network with other students in their subject areas
Individual and group appointments are available in many academic courses through Navigate. TAN also offers weekly SI review sessions in historically difficult courses (courses with D, W, F rates above 30%) and a mixture of workshops and office hours for students in ENG 101E, HIS 101E and MTH 112E courses. Students may also attend walk-in/drop-in tutoring.
TAN is 100% funded by Title III and supports the persistence, retention and graduation of AAMU students.
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My tutor was fast and efficient with the material I needed help with. I will definitely come back if I need extra help.
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