Students Success Stories
Ross Fontenot a graduate student at physics department has published nearly 20 articles
in the area of triboluminescence (TL), a way of emitting light on impact that could
offer wide-ranging applications in major research journals, including the notable Materials Today and Journal
of Theoretical and Applied Physics. Read More about Ross
AAMU Physics Students Earn Two 1st Place Honors
Two students from the Alabama A&M University Department of Physics won first prizes in their categories at the Emerging Researchers National Conference (ERN) in Washington, D.C. February 25-27. Ashley Owens made an oral presentation on “The Muon G-2 Experiment,” while Khyana Price prepared a poster presentation on “Pulsations of Neutron Stars.” The two are supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program “Alliance for Physics Excellence" (APEX), headed by the AAMU Department of Physics.
Another five AAMU undergraduate students presented posters, and two students (undergraduate and graduate) gave oral presentations from work supported by AAMU’s “Advancing Success in STEM Undergraduate Research and Education” (ASSURE) NSF HBCU-UP grant.
Physics Student Featured in National Video
Marylyn Creer was the focus of a video, which was shown during a recent ERN conference
to underscore the importance of mentoring to minority and women’s participation in
STEM education. A nontraditional Alabama A&M University student praises the mentoring
support she has received throughout her matriculation in the physics program.
Her words are captured as part of a powerful video by the Emerging Researchers Network of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (ERN/AAAS).“I am so excited about having been selected for this most honored and important opportunity and to bring focus on our school and students at large,” commented Creer in a response to AAMU physicist Mohan Aggarwal, chair. She indicated to Aggarwal that she credited her success to the department and other programs along the way.
To view the video, visit The corresponding article can be accessed at
ROSES, MRL Rack-up Awards
Celeste McRae received an award for the best poster in the STEM Education category at the 93rd Annual Alabama Academy of Science meeting. Physics graduate student Samuel Uba received an award at the Alabama NSF EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) for the third position in the category of Graduate Student Poster, a competition entered by research universities across the state.
The best poster award in the undergraduate research at Alabama NSF EPSCoR last year went to Charles Payton, and Jonathan Lassiter successfully bagged the NASA Space grant fellowship for the second consecutive year.
Doctoral Student Makes Presentation in Honolulu
Physics doctoral student Kyle D. Rose, Sr., presented at the recent six-day Pacific
Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Rose presented on the "Application of Phase Change Material to Increase Solar Panel Efficiency" (with Physics Professor M.D. Aggarwal). The research involved finding means to make solar panels more efficient by reducing the negative effects of too much heat on the power production process.