Application Process
Throughout the graduate school process, all applications must be received in a timely manner. The university has designed the timeline below as a planning guide for you to consider for graduate school. It is based on the deadline for your application, and all supporting materials.
Note: Deadlines for admission vary by graduate program. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the requirements of the program to which you are applying and review the deadlines to determine if the program admits students during the semester in which you plan to begin attending graduate school. The deadlines provided on this page are for all documents to be submitted to Graduate Admissions in addition to the online application.
- July 1: Fall semester
- November 1: Spring semester
- April 1: Summer semester
- Rolling Admissions: Applications will be accepted and considered on a space-available basis.
All applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible, especially international applicants, to allow the maximum amount of time once an offer is made to process the required paperwork.
Admissions Tests
Official GRE or GMAT exam scores are required for admission to many degree programs. There is no option to waive an admission test score requirement or to substitute an admission test for individual applicants. The graduate school recommends that admissions tests be completed six to eight months prior to your admission deadline.
Official test scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions directly from the testing agency. Hand-delivered copies are not accepted.
Some tests allow you to electronically forward your scores directly to Alabama A&M University when you take the exam.
- For the GRE, MAT, TOEFL Alabama A&M University’s school code is 1003
- For the GMAT Alabama A&M University’s school code is 1003
Reference Letters
At least two months before the application deadline for the degree program that a student seeks to enter, all letters and recommendations should be submitted[4] .
Complete the Application
In most cases, at least two months before the application deadline[5] , a completed application and registration fee of $45.00 must be paid. You can create an account and log in to your online application[6] as many times as necessary before submitting your application of admission. Be sure to include a valid e-mail address on your application of admission, as Alabama A&M University only uses email as the primary method of communication.
Alabama A&M University requires official copies of all transcripts from all institutions that you have ever attended. This includes institutions you transferred from or did not complete classes with. Official transcripts can be ordered by contacting an institution’s registrar’s office. Official transcripts must be mailed to Graduate Admissions[7] .
Status Check
After you have applied, you may periodically check your status online[8] or by phone at 256-372-5266 to verify that your application and related materials have been received. As soon as a decision is made about your application, usually within one week of receipt of all application materials, you will receive an email from Graduate Studies. Additionally, a formal letter will be sent to the address provided on your application.
Acceptance of Admission
All students admitted to a graduate degree program must indicate their acceptance of admission within 30 days of the notification date, on the letter of acceptance. Acceptance of admission can be sent by completing the Acceptance of Admission Form.
Additional Questions
For questions about this process or for assistance with admissions questions, please contact Graduate Admissions at (256) 372-5266 or