Minor in Wildlife Biology
The Wildlife Biology minor is intended for students that are seeking their major outside of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, while the Fish and Wildlife concentration is especially intended for majors in Forestry or closely related degrees in the BES Dept. The minor consists of a combination of wildlife courses that complete the specific curriculum requirements for wildlife biology/management that, when combined with experiences from biology labs and plant science, will allow students to qualify (X-118 standards) for federal wildlife biologist and wildlife refuge manager career positions. The minor is most useful for students pursuing a career as a wildlife biologist, but can also be combined with a criminal justice major to pursue a career in wildlife law enforcement (Conservation officer).
Department Information
Visit the Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences website
Contacts Information
Dr. Wubishet Tadesse
Interim Department Chair
(256) 372-4219
Carver Complex South Annex Thomas Wing, Room 200