OIFST Agency
Seeking agencies that are interested in hosting a trainee (s) and receiving the benefits. These benefits include:
- The major benefit to a registered apprenticeship program is the combined learning techniques of on-the-job with classroom instruction.
- The employer will be able to train these apprentices in-house while they are completing their degree and better understanding the theory associated with their occupation.
- Agencies will have access to the state apprenticeship tax credit ($1250 per apprentice; 10 apprentice max per year for apprentices who are employed 7 months out of the calendar year, part-time or full-time).
- Contingency upon funding availability, Apprenticeship Agencies could receive 50% wage reimbursement for 480 hours per new apprentice. The wage cap is $19.66, so the tax refund would be $9.83/hr.

- Assign a qualified social worker for each apprentice trainee.
- Have on file documented competencies.
- Ensure the social work apprentice trainee is supervised on the job.
- Ensure the apprentice has on-the-job learning tasks based on competency designated by function.
- Evaluate on the job learning training & job-related education
- Complete & maintain all documentation required for each social work apprentice trainee
- Work closely with Alabama A & M field coordinator, liaison, and project coordinator representatives–document attendance, review student grades/performance/associated records.
- Agency will need to agree to track the competencies of the apprentices and report them to you, the field project coordinator.
- The apprentice social work trainee will need to be their employees (they can be part-time but need to be officially considered employees) and received progressive wage increases (“earn more as they learn more”).
- Agencies must provide at least 2 wage increases and there are no maximum wages, which is up to the employers.
- Provide the 1st increase at the mid-point of the program and the last increase would be at the completion.
- The Apprentice trainee cannot earn less than the States minimum wage.
Contact Us!
Dora Cook, MSW, Project Coordinator