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Opioids Impacted Families Support Training

The Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (OIFSP) aims to expand the number of paraprofessionals working with families, children, adolescents, and family members impacted by opioid use disorders (OUD) and other drug use disorders in medically underserved regions (SUD). The program will specifically educate students as trainees with the knowledge and abilities to work with children, adolescents, and transitional aged youth in several counties in Northern Alabama at risk for behavioral health and mental health issues, with a particular focus on substance disorders.


Alabama A & M University, Master of Social Work program is partnering with regional behavioral health agencies and the Alabama Office of Apprenticeship (AOA) Program to build an apprenticeship program to meet the long-term mental health workforce needs, especially those who are working with Opioids and other substance abuse disorders in the Region of North Alabama (Map below). This program is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  Through this grant, students receive financial support to be prepared to work with families impacted by Opioids and other substance abuse disorders. 

shake hands between hrsa and AAMU
map of county

Contact Us!

Dora Cook, MSW, Project Coordinator