Speech & Hearing Clinic
Welcome to the Speech and Hearing Clinic at AAMU.
The communication of thought and feeling is a basic human need that involves speaking, hearing and understanding. Individuals who have problems with one or more of these skills may find it difficult to communicate with their friends, families, and co-workers. The Alabama A&M University Communicative Sciences and Disorders Program is committed to helping such individuals with communication deficits and disorders and training CSD students in developing excellent clinical skills through an integration of academics with clinical experience. These skills will serve the speech, language, and hearing needs of individuals in our community to enhance the effectiveness and quality of communication.
About the clinic
- Has been serving the public since the late 1960's
- Our graduate students and senior level undergraduate students gain experiences providing speech and hearing services
- Students are supervised and trained by ASHA certified, Alabama-licensed faculty members
- Our clinic serves clients of all ages from within the community as well as the University
Assessment and intervention services are provided for
- Articulation and Phonology
- Child and Adult Language
- Aphasia
- Motor Speech
- Dysphasia
- Fluency
- Voice
- Accent Reduction
- Reading Intervention
- Aural Rehabilitation
Communication disorders can affect persons of any age -- infants, children, adolescents, adults, and senior citizens. These disorders can be so mild that most people don't notice, or they might be so severe as to require augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) systems. Usually, early treatment yields the best results, so it is desirable for a client to seek treatment as soon as a problem is detected. We are here to help.
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