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ACES Boosts Online Learning Efforts

Online Learning
September 14, 2020

Learning Activities for All Ages

The Alabama Coop­erative Exten­sion Sys­tem at Alabama A&M University offers online learning activities for all ages. All sessions are free and open to the public.

Current topics include:

  • Gardening and lawn care
  • Storytime read aloud ses­sions on healthy habits and environmental education
  • Health and nutrition
  • Financial literacy
  • How to use Zoom
  • Alabama 4-H and youth development

To participate in the online learning sessions, a person must pre-register and connect using the Zoom platform. Zoom al­lows individuals to engage in online live presenta­tions, meetings, and chat sessions.

Persons new to Zoom, should use the following link to access and view a video that will help them to prepare for their session: Joining-a-Meeting.

Visit the following sites for up-to-date educa­tional activities of­fered by Alabama Extension at AAMU:­ics/products-programs-urban/urban-extension-online-learning-classes/;­AAMU/events; and

For more information about Alabama Extension programs at AAMU, con­tact Dr. Kimberly Sinclair- Holmes at (256) 372-4941 or email
