Executive Committee to Meet Wednesday

Executive Committee to Meet Wednesday
Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Alabama A&M University to be held on Wednesday, December 2, at 12:00 p.m. The physical location of the meeting will be on the Campus of the University in its regular meeting location in the Clyde Foster Auditorium of the School of Business. However, the meeting will be held virtually, and members of the Executive Committee and all other participants will attend online in accordance with Proclamations of the Governor of the State of Alabama. The purpose of the meeting will be to receive information from the Administration which is time-sensitive. No formal action is expected to be sought or taken by the Executive Committee during this meeting. The meeting will be conducted in accordance with all requirements of the Open Meetings Law as set forth in § 36-25A-1 et. seq, and in particular § 36-25A-5.1, of the Code of Alabama, as modified by the Proclamations of the Governor of the State of Alabama in connection with the current emergency. The public is invited to attend and observe proceedings of the Executive Committee, but may not speak or otherwise participate. Because these meetings will be held virtually the public will be allowed to view these meetings through the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJ5b4frvME83v1fbyBm7Tw?app=desktop