Celebrating BHM on The Hill!

Black History Month 2022
Alabama A&M University has kicked off Black History Month with a flurry of events from some of the campus’ most active and energetic departments. See EVENTS
Significantly adding to the list is AAMU’s Honors Program with eight distinct activities, ranging from a “Black Out Photo” event held on February 1 to the “Honors Call to Action” on February 28.
The signature BHM program will feature Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, professor of media studies and urban education at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa., on Tuesday, February 8, at 12:30 p.m. in the Ernest L. Knight Reception Center. (Masks and registration required)
Several other events are also scheduled from Career Development Services (Yvette Clayton, director), including a major February 9 Career Fair in the Wellness Center from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Countdown activities in connection with the April investiture of AAMU President Daniel K. Wims round out Black History Month on The Hill. Please contact public.relations@aamu.edu for any additions.