Popular Minister to Highlight Joint AAMU-St. John BHM Celebration

Rev. Jamal Bryant to Visit The Hill
St. John AME Church (Rev. Maurice Wright, II, servant pastor) and Alabama A&M University will hold a culminating Black History Month joint celebration featuring Rev. Dr. Jamal Bryant on Thursday, February 27, at the T.M. Elmore Building on the AAMU campus at 6 p.m.
Rev. Bryant will conduct a “One Night Empowerment Revival” that is free and open to the public. The Baltimore native is senior pastor of the Atlanta-based New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.
Event sponsors include Premiere Dental Spa, Albert’s Florist, Royal Funeral Home, Matheny Goldmon Architects, Servis 1st Bank, Rick Gilmore, The Lioce Group and Rickey Gosa-Edward Jones.