Civic Engagement Week to Conclude in Montgomery

AAMU, UAH Students Join Forces
A week-long series of events for Alabama A&M University’s Civic Engagement Week will conclude in Montgomery, Ala., on Saturday, October 2, according to a posting of activities from AAMU’s Monica Clarke, service and learning coordinator.
The week began with a 5:45 p.m. Kick-off Pep Rally on Monday, September 27, at Louis Crews Stadium. The opening activity slated the AAMU Pep Band, AAMU cheerleaders, SGA Presidents from AAMU and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), along with special remarks by AAMU First Lady Abbiegail Hamilton Hugine. Monday events concluded with the movie “The 13th at 6:30 p.m.
On Tuesday, September 28, students recognized National Voter Registration Day with a “We Do it Better” voter registration drive and social media competition with UAH on The Quad from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (DJ, music, gifts, snacks, etc.). A panel discussion on the movie “The 13th was presented by UAH via Zoom at 6 p.m.
On Wednesday, September 29, organizers were scheduled to lead a discussion on ”Voting Accessibility: Are We Ready for the Next Big Election?” at 12 noon (Zoom only) following a presentation by Monica Riley with the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.
AAMU will present a Thursday, September 30, hybrid workshop on “Gerrymandering and The Voting Rights Act: Why it Matters to You” in the Clyde Foster Auditorium of the College of Business and Public Affairs complex at 5 p.m. Registration required to attend in-person and/or via Zoom.
Rounding out the campus-based activities is the Friday, October 1 presentation, “Get Involved! Where Do You Go from Here?” Presented by AAMU, the program is available at 12 noon via Zoom only.
On Saturday, October 2, registered AAMU and UAH students will travel to the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Ala.,from 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Civic Engagement Week will conclude with a student “Reflection and a Conversation about Race on the College Campus” in Montgomery.
ZOOM meeting ID for all Virtual events #993 1301 5050