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LRC Goes 'Curbside Contactless'

February 18, 2021

24/7 Access Available

The J.F. Drake Memorial Learning Resources Center, or “LRC” (library), will begin offering a Curbside Contactless Click and Collect very soon.  Click and Collect will provide a safe and convenient 24/7 pickup option, note LRC staffers.

Curbside Contactless Click and Collect is a service that will allow borrowers to place holds on print items (not available electronically) through the library’s catalog and have them placed in lockers that can be accessed 24/7. The lockers will be located near the Regions ATM and campus post office.

To use the service, borrowers will search for a print item that they would like to request and will place a hold on the item to be picked up from the lockers. Once requested, items will be pulled by Drake LRC staff, checked out to the borrower, placed in one of the Curbside Contactless Click and Collect lockers, and secured with a temporary PIN.

The borrower will receive an email with the locker number and temporary PIN. Once the email is received, the borrower must go to the locker, enter the PIN, and retrieve the already-checked-out item within two (2) business days.

“Drake LRC is excited to soon be able to offer this service to our students, faculty, staff, and community members to increase access to our collection and to provide safe and convenient pick-up options in these uncertain times,” said Dr. Annie Malessia Payton, director of library services.   

The Curbside Contactless Click and Collect lockers will soon be installed and more information regarding availability of the service will be released following the installation. This service is being created and funded by the IMLS CARES Act Grant for Museums and Libraries, awarded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.  

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