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Agreement Creates Annual Internships for AAMU Engineering Students

AAMU alumni Justin Colar and Curtney Walters
June 06, 2024

New Partnership with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Created by AAMU Alumni

Alabama A&M University has entered into a new partnership agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center in Huntsville (Huntsville Center). This collaboration will provide significant benefits to AAMU engineering students.

Originally established in 2003, the refreshed partnership between AAMU’s Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and USACE aims to promote diversity and enhance opportunities for AAMU civil and mechanical engineering students.

“We used to get some internships from the USACE in Tennessee,” said Dr. Mohamed Ashour, Professor and Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Program in the AAMU Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. “Now our students can get internships through this local office.”

Two AAMU alumni, Justin Colar and Curtney Walters, were instrumental in renewing the partnership. Colar, who earned his civil engineering degree at AAMU in 2012, and Walters, a 2005 AAMU civil engineering graduate and recent recipient of the Modern-Day Technology Leader Award at the 2024 Black Engineer of the Year Awards (BEYA), both work as engineers at the Huntsville Center.

AAMU alumni Justin Colar and Curtney Walters

With backing from upper leadership, they engaged in several brainstorming sessions to update and modernize the agreement. They presented their proposals to Huntsville Center Engineering Director Wade Doss, and facilitated the signing of the agreement by Mr. Doss, Dr. Zhengtao Deng, Dean of the AAMU College of Engineering, and Alabama A&M Provost and Vice President of Acacemic Affairs, Dr. John D. Jones.

As alumni and active members of the Civil Engineering Board of Advisors, they brought a unique perspective on enhancing the partnership agreement to better serve students.

“The goal is to offer internships to current students and career opportunities to graduates,” says Walters. “This agreement aims to strengthen the relationship between both parties, making the Huntsville Center a top choice for young minority scholars from Alabama A&M University.

“USACE is a global DoD agency, the nation's engineering firm, and the opportunities are far and wide,” says Colar. “For students, this means they are seen, they are needed, and they have an active seat at the table.”

The Huntsville Center will also provide visiting lecturers and advisers for senior and graduate design projects, adds Doss. “This will enrich student educational experiences with practical, industry-relevant insights.”

Ashour notes the renewed partnership will bring innumerable benefits to AAMU students. 

“Our students will be updated about entry-level positions as they become available,” says Ashour. “Most of our students who receive training with USACE pursue a career with them after graduation.”

Additionally, a similar partnership is being developed for AAMU’s Urban Planning program.


(Photos courtesy William Farrow, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville)
