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YVAC Donates Food to the AAMU Bulldog Pantry

AAMU Service Learning Coordinator Monica Clarke
December 04, 2023

Clarke Receives YVAC Honor in Detroit

The Young Voices Action Collective (YVAC) recognized AAMU Service and Learning Communities & Volunteerism Coordinator Monica Clarke at its Black, Brave & Bold Awards November 25 in Detroit. YVAC is a national black youth led organization working to empower and assist young people. It has a site in Madison County, Alabama, and other sites in Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

The YVAC Fund accepts donations that help young people with rent, transportation and other urgent needs. Clarke says YVAC-MI based in Detroit has partnered with AAMU’s Service Learning and the Bulldog Food Pantry.

“The organization commended me for my impact on our students, and the work I do getting them registered to vote and volunteering in the community,” said Clarke. “YVAC-MI provides AAMU students with snacks, book vouchers, emergency funding and also helps them with travel vouchers and gas money.”

Clarke says YVAC is also involved in community food drives, civic engagement, social justice, voter registration and reinstating voting rights for young adults.

“I am grateful for this honor," she said. "YVAC is a great organization doing amazing work with our young Black adults. I see their work first hand. Not only do they bring food to the Bulldog Pantry every month, but they also take goodie/food bags to the dorms. This is a big deal; food insecurities are real here at Alabama A&M University. We are no different from other parts of the country.”
