Nobel Laureate Lecture Series to Feature Whittingham
23rd Putcha Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture set for September 15
What are the ultimate limits of lithium batteries and how can they lead to a cleaner fossil-fuel free society? Nobel Laureate Dr. M. Stanley Whittingham will be guest lecturer at the 23rd Putcha Venkateswarlu Annual Memorial Lecture set for September 15.
M. Stanley Whittingham is a SUNY distinguished professor of chemistry and materials science and engineering at Binghamton University and the 2019 Chemistry Nobel Laureate. He received his BA and D. Phil degrees in chemistry from Oxford University, where he is an honorary Fellow of New College. He has been active in Li-batteries since 1971 when he won the Young Author Award of the Electrochemical Society for his work on beta-alumina. Presently his research addresses pushing lithium batteries to their limits.
For 22 years, the Alabama A&M University Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics has hosted the Nobel Laureate Lecture Series. Of special interest to faculty, staff, students, and the scientific community of Huntsville/Madison, this event attracts hundreds each year.
The lecture will take place in Dawson Auditorium of the Cooperative Extension Building at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15 with a reception to follow at 5:00 p.m. in the Clyde Foster Multipurpose Room of the College of Business and Public Affairs.